The Power of Acceptance: Turning Darkness Into Light
Building Deeper Connections by Leading from Self
According to Richard Schwartz, the founder of Internal Family Systems (IFS), “When we lead from Self, parts can relax and allow us to be in relationships without feeling we need to protect ourselves.”
Overcoming Resistance to Change: Building Trust Through Self-Leadership
Understanding Addiction Through the Lens of Internal Family Systems (IFS)
Developing the IFS Skill of Unblending
In Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy, the concept of "blending" is central to understanding how we experience challenging emotions and situations…
Discover Your True Self: Unlocking Inner Peace and Resilience with IFS Therapy
Are you feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges? Do you yearn for a deeper sense of peace and purpose? Many search for healing externally—through new jobs, relationships, or material possessions….
How Your Inner Self-Critic is Trying to Help You
In Internal Family Systems (IFS), each part of ourselves, including the self-critic, typically has a positive intention or purpose, even if its methods are harmful or unhelpful. Here’s how your inner self-critic might be trying to help you....
The 8C’s of Self-Leadership
The Internal Family Systems (IFS) model emphasises the importance of self-leadership in fostering mental well-being and emotional resilience. Central to this concept are the 8C's, which represent the core qualities that embody effective self-leadership...
Working with Depression: An Internal Family Systems Approach
For many, navigating the world while grappling with depression can feel overwhelming. However, working with depression using the Internal Family Systems (IFS) approach offers a compassionate framework for understanding and healing...
Unraveling Anxiety: Practical Coping Strategies
Anxiety manifests in various forms, from mild unease to overwhelming panic attacks, impacting our daily lives and mental well-being. Understanding and navigating these turbulent moments is essential for reclaiming control and finding peace within ourselves.